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Thursday, June 7, 2007

The Month of June


Since my birthday is in the month of June, and it is a great month. I decided to list 13 bits of information about June. Enjoy

1. Pearl is one of the Modern June birthstone. 2. The Gemstone Alexandrite is the color changing variety of the mineral Chrysoberyl. The June Birthstone, its color varies from red to green depending upon the light source.

3. Moonstone is one of the modern June birthstones and an accepted gem for the 13th wedding anniversary. 4. June's flower is the rose or honeysuckle.(the rose being my favourite flower)

5. According to the Celtic calendar this is the second month of 'Beltaine', (also Beltane) a time associated with healing, within nature, of the body and of the spirit.

6. June is the sixth month of the year in the Gregorian calendar, with a length of 30 days.

7. The month is named after the Roman goddess Juno, wife of Jupiter and equivalent to the Greek goddess Hera.

8. The first Monday in June is one of the public holidays in the Republic of Ireland; in the Irish Calendar the month is called Meitheamh and is the middle month of the summer season.

9. The solstice called the summer solstice in the northern hemisphere and the winter solstice in the southern hemisphere occurs on dates varying from 20 June to 22 June (in UTC). In the pagan wheel of the year the summer solstice is the time of Litha and the winter solstice is that of Yule.

10. June 19th is the birthday of Garfield, a comic strip created by Jim Davis.

11. Mellissa was born on June 5th, this year she celebrated her 37th birthday.

12. Father's Day is celebrated in Belgium on the second Sunday in June. In the United States, the United Kingdom, Mexico, the Netherlands, Ireland and Canada it is celebrated on the third Sunday in June.

13. O my Luve's like a red, red rose. That's newly sprung in June.- Robert Burns

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