Weight Loss

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Eyes are Alive!

Well, it has been an exciting couple of days. My eyes have been giving me a hard time. They are burning, and itchy, and feels like lots of pressure in them. Now with having Sarcoidosis and being Diabetic, your eyes are not something to mess around with. I have an app't set up for Friday morning. But with the way my luck is, by the time I get there, they eyes will be back to normal again, and nothing will be found. lol. If you have ever had the drops in your eyes that dilate them, and makes them feel pressure, that is kinda how mine feel right now. I also need a new prescription and I need bifocals. So I may be getting some new glasses while I am there too. That I am looking forward too. I will keep you updated as to how my app't goes.

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