Today's subject for my Thursday Thirteen is all about my pet peeves. Everyone has them, and some may not bother others like they do certain people. That is what makes pet peeves fun.
- People who don't put on the signal lights (oh this one is a big pet peeve)
- People who don't say "thank you" after placing their order in the drive thru. (even worse are the ones that don't say it at all)
- Litterbugs. (this has to be one of the worst, not only does it bother people, but it ruins the planet as well)
- People who blow out their cig smoke as they are walking into a place, right into your face
- People that ignore their crying, tantum throwing children in a store (does ignoring really make them stop, I don't think so, just makes them louder)
- People who are cruel to animals (this is more than a pet peeve, it is an all out hatred)
- Pestimistic people (don't they realize that depressing thought will only bring on depressing thoughts, not to mention they are very draining people)
- Skinny people that can eat anything they want (this one is pretty self explanatory lol)
- Getting woke up, only to have the kids ask "are you sleeping Mom" (it has taken some training, but I may have broke them from this habit)
- People who use fowl language every other word they can (really is it necessary to swear like a sailor, very unattractive)
- The dizziness feeling when you stand up to fast (we used to take stuff to get this feeling, now I just want it to stop)
- Whispering (when I hear this, it just makes me more anxious, it is rude to whisper with people around)
- People who don't appreciate all that they have (be thankful for food and water and room and board, or you could go live in Africa to really learn what you have)
Well here are the first 13 that came to my head. I am sure I could think up some more. But having too many pet peeves, it really a pet peeve.
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