Friday, June 29, 2007
Blank Mind
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Caitlin's Graduation
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Gnostic Tenets of Novus Spiritus

Today's topic is about Sylvia Browne's Gnostic Church. It is called the Society of Novus Spirtus. There are actually 21 tenets, describing the beliefs of Gnostic Christianity. I am going to pick my favourite 13 tenets for this post.
- Tenet I: "The way of all peace is to scale the mountain of self. Loving others makes the climb down easier. We see all things darkly until love lights the lamp of our soul".The whole meaning of this first tenet points to climbing the mountain of your own ego, or the false self that can fool you and lure you into believing that your're more than you are. Climbing the mountain is difficult until you come to the understanding that you're a spiritual being who came here to experience for God and yourself. You'll float down the mountain and realize that loving others really does light the lamp of our soul.
- Tenet VII: "Know that each life is a path winding toward perfection. It is the step after step that is hard, no the whole of the journey". Keep in mind that you've had many lives, and in each one you've learned a different facet of yourself. We can take detours, but we always live our charts and our destiny. We are what we are and what we're meant to be. We all end up taking the steps we must complete to finish our journey. It takes time, and it's quite a journey, but you're perfecting by the sheer fact that you come here to Earth in the first place.
- Tenet VIII: "Be simple. Allow no man to judge you, not even yourself, for you cannot judge God." We are God, because we're the genetic part of God, made by God, and we carry that spark of the Divine within us. So we don't have the right to judge someone who doesn't measure up to what we think our standards are. Even our Lord said, "Judge not, lest ye be judged" and "You without sin cast the first stone."
- Tenet XII: "The body is a living temple unto God, wherein we worship the spark of the Divine." Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, and other religious leaders have all stated that the body is a temple. We believe that the body houses the soul, and what seems to be so temporary and fragile is probably one of the biggest miracles that God has created.
- Tenet XIII: "God does not create the adversities in life. By your own choice they exist to aid in your perfection." We are homing our souls and learning to ascend to God with knowledge. Earth is the only 'hell' there is. There are millions of planets that are inhabited, but this is the only one that has evil and megativity in such abundance. Only the bravest of the brave incarnate here to face this planet's adversities. Earth is the toughest school in the universe, which is why so many of us come here. We wonder why, if God is all-loving, why is there suffering. When esus went to the garden of Gethsemane and asked God to remove the pain of the crucifixion that he knew was coming, God essentially told him, "No--you chose it to be this way in your contract, so you have to see it through. We pick a contract with God to learn and grow our soul to bring back information to God. We choose which negative aspects to have in our life.
- Tenet XV: "God allows each person the opportunity for perfection, whether you need one life or a hundred lives to reach your level of perfection." Just as we choose different themes or lessons that we're going to learn, we also pick the number of lives (even the years, months, days, and hours) that we're going to exist on this planet in order to complete our mission or education. There is also the explanation for why some seem to be taken before what we feel is their time. Their charted time may be entirely different from our own. The Gnostics have always believed in reincarnation, but kept silent because they were afraid of being branded heretics.
- Tenet XVI: "Devote your liefe, your soul, your very existance, to the service of God. For only there will you find meaning in life." In all the major religions, the basic themes of love, giving. and peace are pervasive. So if we go through life as the various messengers have told us to, then we've devoted our existance to the service of God.
- Tenet XVIII: "Death is the act of returning Home; it should be done with grace and dignity. You may perserve that dignity by refusing prolonged use of artificial life-support systems. Let God's will be done." Medicine is marvelous, but sometimes we keep peoplk ealive when there's no life left. It is a loving wonderful thing to pass on, and go home to be with Jesus and God and all our family and friends that have gone on before us. Do not fear death for it is not the ending, but the beginning.
- Tenet XIX: "We believe in a Mother God, Who is co-Creator with our all-loving Father God." The fact is, pure logic dictates that if there is a male principle, there has to be a female counterpart. Although the Christian movement has taken great pains to hide the truth for so many years, little bits and pieces are coming out these days, and the media is taking notice and picking up on the feminie principle.
- Tenet XX: "We believe that our Lord was crucified, but did not die on the cross. Instead, he went on to live his life in France with his mother and Mary Magdalene, his wife." There are many facts to back up this truth. I can't put them all down here now, but will do a post strickly on this topic. And show path that Jesus took.
- Tenet XXI: "We Gnostics kept the knowledge hidden that Christ's lineage exists even today, and the truth long buried is open to research." This is also another topic that could be written about extensively. I suggest reading Sylvia Browne's book "If You Could See What I See". It explains the truths much better than I can and the facts that go with it.
- Tenet XVII: "War is profane; defense is compulsory." We Gnostics do not believe in war, for through the ages it hasn't accomplished much except death and destruction. We do believe that we must protect our lives and homes, but to have most of the world in turmoil is ridiculous.
- Tenet VI: "In faith be like the wind chimes: Hold steady until faith, like the wind, moves you to joy." Faith to us Gnostics is synonymous with knowing, and truth, which is really important during a depressed or negative time in your life. If you hold on to your beliefs in a loving God, you'll find that your faith turns into an unshakable knowing.
I am sure some of these tenets have got you thinking, and questioning me. But these are my beliefs which I respect as well as respecting yours. I do recommend reading Sylvia Browne's work and you will see that we have an all-loving God that wants us to grow with love and knowledge.
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Relay for Life
Thursday, June 14, 2007
13 Pet Peeves

Today's subject for my Thursday Thirteen is all about my pet peeves. Everyone has them, and some may not bother others like they do certain people. That is what makes pet peeves fun.
- People who don't put on the signal lights (oh this one is a big pet peeve)
- People who don't say "thank you" after placing their order in the drive thru. (even worse are the ones that don't say it at all)
- Litterbugs. (this has to be one of the worst, not only does it bother people, but it ruins the planet as well)
- People who blow out their cig smoke as they are walking into a place, right into your face
- People that ignore their crying, tantum throwing children in a store (does ignoring really make them stop, I don't think so, just makes them louder)
- People who are cruel to animals (this is more than a pet peeve, it is an all out hatred)
- Pestimistic people (don't they realize that depressing thought will only bring on depressing thoughts, not to mention they are very draining people)
- Skinny people that can eat anything they want (this one is pretty self explanatory lol)
- Getting woke up, only to have the kids ask "are you sleeping Mom" (it has taken some training, but I may have broke them from this habit)
- People who use fowl language every other word they can (really is it necessary to swear like a sailor, very unattractive)
- The dizziness feeling when you stand up to fast (we used to take stuff to get this feeling, now I just want it to stop)
- Whispering (when I hear this, it just makes me more anxious, it is rude to whisper with people around)
- People who don't appreciate all that they have (be thankful for food and water and room and board, or you could go live in Africa to really learn what you have)
Well here are the first 13 that came to my head. I am sure I could think up some more. But having too many pet peeves, it really a pet peeve.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
A New Set of 10's

Friday, June 8, 2007
My Busy Day
Thursday, June 7, 2007
The Month of June
Since my birthday is in the month of June, and it is a great month. I decided to list 13 bits of information about June. Enjoy
1. Pearl is one of the Modern June birthstone. 2. The Gemstone Alexandrite is the color changing variety of the mineral Chrysoberyl. The June Birthstone, its color varies from red to green depending upon the light source.
3. Moonstone is one of the modern June birthstones and an accepted gem for the 13th wedding anniversary. 4. June's flower is the rose or honeysuckle.(the rose being my favourite flower)
5. According to the Celtic calendar this is the second month of 'Beltaine', (also Beltane) a time associated with healing, within nature, of the body and of the spirit.
6. June is the sixth month of the year in the Gregorian calendar, with a length of 30 days.
7. The month is named after the Roman goddess Juno, wife of Jupiter and equivalent to the Greek goddess Hera.
8. The first Monday in June is one of the public holidays in the Republic of Ireland; in the Irish Calendar the month is called Meitheamh and is the middle month of the summer season.
9. The solstice called the summer solstice in the northern hemisphere and the winter solstice in the southern hemisphere occurs on dates varying from 20 June to 22 June (in UTC). In the pagan wheel of the year the summer solstice is the time of Litha and the winter solstice is that of Yule.
10. June 19th is the birthday of Garfield, a comic strip created by Jim Davis.
11. Mellissa was born on June 5th, this year she celebrated her 37th birthday.
12. Father's Day is celebrated in Belgium on the second Sunday in June. In the United States, the United Kingdom, Mexico, the Netherlands, Ireland and Canada it is celebrated on the third Sunday in June.
13. O my Luve's like a red, red rose. That's newly sprung in June.- Robert Burns