Todays post is 13 different Yoga poses. I have been studying yoga for 3 weeks now. I truly enjoy it, especially the relaxation part at the end. What a way to clear your mind and soul and become one with your higher power. There is a word in most of the position names, "asana". Which is Sanskrit for 'seat' or 'sitting meditation'. It refers not only to the physical position of the body, but to the position of the spirit in relation to divinity. Modern usage of the word "asana" in reference to the practice of yoga generally refers to a physical posture or pose. I have included a picture of each pose. The first name in the column is the actual Sanskrit name, and the second column is the English translation.
- Bala-asana......Child posture
- Dhanur-asana.....Bow posture
- Shava-asana........Corpse posture
- Padma-asana.......Lotus posture
- Chakra-asana.......Wheel posture
- Vriksha-asana......Tree pose
- Tada-asana.......Mountain pose
- Surya-namaskar......Sun Salutation (is a sequence of poses so no pic sorry)
- Akarna dhanur-asana......Shooting Bow posture
- Naga-asana.....Cobra posture
- Nutaraja-asana......King of the Dance posture
- Matsya-asana.......Fish posture
- Ushtra-asana.......Camel posture
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