Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Rebirth of my Blog!
I have been deciding whether or not I just wanted to delete this blog. I haven't even looked at it in years. But just as I went to take this blog site off of my Facebook, I stoppped, and realized that this would be a great way to keep Mike (when he is out West) and the rest of the family, when we are out West. So here it is. I will try to comment on this blog more often and back in the habit.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
My Baby Girl is 18 Now!
Well it is true. My eldest daughter turned 18 yesterday. I can't believe it. Where has the time gone? She has grown into a wonderful, loving, respectful woman. I am very proud of her and her accomplishments. She plans on spending another year at home, and staying another year at high school. Iam sooooo ok with this plan, as I don't think I am ready to have her leave the home nest yet. It will be good to have her here with me while I undertake my weight loss journey. She will be a big help. Well that is it for now.....I love you Chetasia!

Friday, April 3, 2009
On My Way to a New Me!
Well I took the first step and had a consultation with Barix Clinic for gastric bypass surgery. It went really well, and I am so excited about it. Today I went to see my family dr and had him sign the papers to get OHIP to cover the costs. He should be faxing those papers off this next week and I should hear something by the end of the month. I am hoping to be having my surgery in June sometime. I can't wait. I will try and post my journey on this blog so everyone can watch how I make out. Here's to the new me! On a sarc note.....I have been doing pretty good I think (knock on wood). Have gone for a few walks with the hubby, and after surgery I will continue that and hopefully start aquafit as well. Lets hope the sarc monster stays low while I have surgery and doesn't give me a hard time healing either.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Finally Over Another Cold
Well out of the last two months, 6 weeks have been spent sick as a dog. It has gone through the household as well. I have been coughing so hard and relentless that I burst some blood vessels in my eye. Nice sight (no pun intended lol). My eyes are still bothering me. It turns out I have really dry eyes. I was given some gel drops, which really help, but I have to do them all the time to kept the discomfort down. I am still trying to lose weight. Seems a never ending fight. I weigh 240 lbs right now. I want to be 150 lbs. So that is 90 lbs to lose. Wow! I have been wanting to try this energy drink......5 hour energy I think it is called. I just don't think anyone can understand the cloud of no energy that surrounds me all the time. It is heavy and unlifting. So I am currious to see if this drink does anything. Cause I would love to have some more energy to carry on with normal activities of the day. Maybe help me lose some weight in the mean time. Anyway, I will continue to feel better, and watch over my sick kids.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
The Eyes are Alive!
Well, it has been an exciting couple of days. My eyes have been giving me a hard time. They are burning, and itchy, and feels like lots of pressure in them. Now with having Sarcoidosis and being Diabetic, your eyes are not something to mess around with. I have an app't set up for Friday morning. But with the way my luck is, by the time I get there, they eyes will be back to normal again, and nothing will be found. lol. If you have ever had the drops in your eyes that dilate them, and makes them feel pressure, that is kinda how mine feel right now. I also need a new prescription and I need bifocals. So I may be getting some new glasses while I am there too. That I am looking forward too. I will keep you updated as to how my app't goes.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Coming back to my blog!
Well, I haven't been on here in a year and a half, if you can believe it. I got sucked into facebook and kinda let this blog slide. But I think I will try to keep it up to date now, and promote it more.
Yes I am still battling Sarcoidosis. Things weren't too bad for awhile, and I couldn't really pinpoint anything in perticular that has happened, but I have gotten worse over time. I had to quit exercising. I couldn't even climb the stairs to the gym without dying. I have gained more weight, which really sucks. I am up to 242 lbs. I am awaiting a bladder suspension surgery. I see Dr. Asher (obgyn) on March 17 to set up the date. Can't wait for this one, after having a cough for over a month now, I sure go through the 'pads' on a regular basis, I am ready to wear 'pull-ups' lol. I am nervous about the anethestetic though, I had a real hard time starting to breath again after my last surgery. I was in the recovery room for quite some time.
I have starting reading on a regular basis some good Sarc blogs. I really enjoy seeing how other people are living their lives dealing with Sarc. If I can figure it out, I will add their blogs to this one.
My sister is living with us right now. She has been here since October. It has been so wonderful, she helps clean and cook all the time. It has really helped me out, since I have a hard time doing these normal things. I have to get the kids to help out more though and not rely on her to do things. They are well old enough to pick up after themselves. lol.
Mike is at home at the moment. He had some bad luck with his last job....but I can't complain, I love having him home and spending lots of time with him. He is planning on going back to school in September. I am so proud of him for deciding to do this.
Well, I am happy to be back blogging....forgot how fun it was. I will try very hard to continue to do this on a regular basis. Thanks for reading!
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Lost in the World
I just thought I better do an updated post, since I haven't been on here for a few weeks. I just haven't been feeling like my old self, and have been fighting the aches and pains and migraines that kept coming. I am starting to feel better and will hopefully be back to my normal self. Life is going good. The kids are enjoying the summer and Mike is working hard. We have been looking at houses to buy. Which is a very exciting time. There is one, that we really like. Who knows this may be the one. Still going to the gym. Haven't lost any weight in awhile, but I am maintaining, so that is good news. But I will keep at it, and hopefully the scales will start moving down again soon. With two new babies coming into the family I have been busy crocheting some blankets and booties. I will try to take a picture of them so that I can post how well I did. I guess I better get back at it. Till next time.
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